What We Believe

In short, we believe in Jesus Christ; but, oh, the endless truths that we bear witness to about this God-man!

  • We believe that Jesus Christ is God incarnate – meaning that not only is He fully God, but He also became fully man.
  • He came to give Himself as the perfect sacrifice for our sin and to offer us peace with God (what we call salvation) and eternal life.
  • We hold to four pieces of the Gospel story, what we refer to as the FOURFOLD GOSPEL (Jesus is our Savior, Sanctifier, Healer and Coming King).
  • Every follower of Christ is called to live life on mission, participating in the work of Christ as He calls humanity into relationship with God – a story of global relevance and an invitation to everyone without exclusion.
  • Our STATEMENT OF FAITH outlines a broader declaration of our faith, the breathtaking work of God, the heart-wrenching tragedy of the sin of humanity, and the fruit that flows from the sacrificial work of Jesus Christ.

Our Mission

We passionately love Jesus
and exist to
bring Life
grow Faith
and offer Hope
by connecting people with HIM.