Our Core Values

Our Core Values are not only those aspects of life and ministry with Christ that we hold as central, but they are also a declaration of our faith in Christ. We are, within our core values, reminded to be CALMED in His presence. The church is His and we trust Him to lead us, empower us, and embolden us according to His will.


This is, in actuality, our first and foundational core value:


Submission - The church both belongs to, and is led by, Jesus Christ. We follow in submission and obedience.


In this we are settled and CALMED as we live out the remainder of our core values:


Community – We were not made to be independent, self-sufficient individuals. It takes  community to enable a person to thrive in relationship with God (Up), Self (In), and Others (Out). Up: Through Jesus, God invites each of us into relationship with Him--Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. In: I must know myself, my brokenness, my healing, and my identity in order to relate properly to God and humanity. Out: God designed us to be interdependent as followers and image-bearers of Jesus Christ, portraying God to the world around us.

Matthew 22: 37-39, 1Corinthians 12:12-27, Genesis 1:26-27, John 13:34-35


Authenticity If discipleship is following Jesus in order to become just like him, then authenticity as a disciple of Jesus is about living out His likeness in the moment, as real and genuine, not religious or pretentious. Authenticity is about kingdom living; genuine pursuit  of purity, righteousness, and holiness.


Life – True life is found only in knowing the one true God. It is begun and experienced in and through a willful attitude of submission to Jesus Christ. It always leads to greater abundance and freedom.


John 10:10, Isaiah 61:1-3, John 17:3


Missional Jesus Christ is, at His core, missional. He set aside His divine attributes and   took on human form for a very specific purpose. He endured suffering, abuse, humiliation, and even death on the cross, to secure salvation, redemption, and peace with God for all who ask. Those whom He has purchased, whom He calls His very own, are a people with a purpose, a mission, and “eager to do what is good.”


Philippians 2:5-8, John 3:16-17, Titus 2:11-14, Ephesians 2:13-18, Colossians 1:20,  Romans 5:1, 1Timothy 2:5


Expectant – Our purpose and mission only has importance and urgency in light of the fact that our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ, is coming back to take His church home to be where He is and to judge those who reject Him. It is in light of this that we work with a sense of  urgency and perseverance. We do not yield to discouragement or hardship knowing that God is with us and that in the Holy Spirit we are fully empowered to accomplish the will and purpose of the Father through Jesus Christ, in whose presence we will be when we experience death or when He returns. Either way, being in His presence is the longing of our soul!


Discipleship – A disciple is “one who pursues Jesus Christ in order to become just like Him.”1 This is a process empowered by the Holy Spirit and helped along by brothers and  sisters in Christ.


Lk.6:40, 46


1Anatomy of a Disciple by Rick Taylor, page 9.


Our Ministry Outcomes

Worship – We are committed to expressing our worship of Jesus Christ our King in and through our service, obedience and praise because He is worthy.


Discipleship We actively seek and pursue, within the context of our relationship with Jesus Christ, the Father’s transformation of each of us into the image of Jesus Christ. We  purposefully seek to be spiritually formed by interaction with the Living and Written Word (both corporately and individually) and through mentoring by those who have showed themselves to be faithful, mature, and Spirit-filled disciples of Jesus Christ.


Community – We are committed to be a body of believers who engage in Spirit-filled life together; to spur one another on, to build one another up, and to serve Jesus Christ together.


Outreach – We covenant together, as a church body, to bring life, grow faith, and offer hope by connecting people with Jesus Christ through various methods locally, nationally, and internationally as we seek to be obedient to Christ’s charge to us in the Great Commission.

Prayer – We desire to create and live in an attitude of prayer in the culture of  Madison Community Church. Here is where our will engages with God’s.  It is where we hear the voice of the Holy Spirit and our perspective is formed, altered and refined.